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Yamuna Nikata Tatasthita lyrics in Sanskrit with meaning in Hindi and English

May 11th, 2024 | 5 Min Read
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Category: Stotra, Stuti and Bhajan


Language: English

Composed by the revered Adi Shankaracharya, the verses "Yamuna Nikata Tatasthita" hold a central place within JKYog's daily prayers, the melodious stanzas painting a vivid picture of Shree Krishna's resplendent beauty. Initially introduced by Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj into daily prayers, these verses have been seamlessly woven into the very fabric of JKYog's spiritual life by Swami Mukundananda, gracing Bhakti Ashrams, temples, and satsang centres worldwide. Transcending time, Shankaracharya's verses serve as a basis of Roopdhyan meditation, inviting devotees to immerse themselves in Krishna's divine radiance through the power of visualisation. With each recitation, seekers are transported to a realm of spiritual bliss.
यमुना निकट तटस्थित वृन्दावन कानने महारम्ये।
कल्पद्रुमतलभूमौ चरणं चरणोपरिस्थाप्य ।।
kalpa-drumatala-bhoomau charañam charaño paristhápya.
श्री यमुना जी के तटपर स्थित वृन्दावन की किसी अति मनोहर वाटिका में कल्पवृक्ष के नीचे की भूमि पर चरण पर चरण रखे श्री कृष्ण बैठे हैं।

Marvel at the divine form of Shree Krishna, standing with one leg gracefully crossed over the other, under the magnificent Kalpa tree (Kalpavriksha/ कल्पवृक्ष), which grants all wishes that the heart can desire. He is surrounded by a breathtakingly beautiful bower in Vrindavana, adorned with blooming flowers of every hue, placed near the banks of the pure river Yamuna.
तिष्ठंतं घननीलं स्वतेजसा भासयन्तमिह विश्वम्।
पीताम्बर परिधानं चन्दनकर्पूर लिप्तसर्वांगम् ।।
tishthantam ghana-neelam svatejasá bhásayantamih vishwam,
peetámbar paridhánam chandan-karpoorlipt-sarvángam.
जो नवीन बादलों के सदृश श्याम वर्ण के हैं, पीताम्बर पहने हुए हैं एवं सारे शरीर में कर्पूर से मिश्रित चन्दन का लेप किये हुए हैं। 

Behold His complexion, as dark and alluring as a rain-laden cloud, illuminating the world with its dazzling lustre. His glorious form is adorned in yellow silk garments, symbolising His divine nature. Every inch of His transcendental body is anointed with the fragrant paste of sandalwood and camphor, emanating a captivating aroma that lingers in the air.
आकर्णपूर्णनेत्रं कुण्डलयुगमण्डितश्रवणम् ।
मंदस्मितमुखकमलं सकौस्तुभोदारमणिहारम् ॥
akarñapoorñanetram kuñdal-yug-mañdit-shravañam,
mandasmit-mukha-kamalam sa-kaustubhodár-mañiharam.
जिनके कर्ण पर्यन्त बड़े बड़े नेत्र हैं, कानों में सुन्दर कुण्डल सुशोभित हैं, मुखारविन्द मन्द मन्द मुसकरा रहा है एवं वक्षस्थल पर कौस्तुभमणियुक्त सुन्दर मालायें सुशोभित हो रही हैं।

Witness His extraordinary presence! His expansive, mesmerising eyes appear to extend almost to His ears, which are adorned with radiant earrings that twinkle like constellations in the night sky. A gentle, captivating smile graces His lotus face. He is adorned in jewellery made of precious stones, pearls, and the celestial gem, the Kaustubha, each piece shimmering with a brilliance that matches that of His transcendental body. 
वलयांगुलीयकाद्यानुज्ज्वलयन्तं स्वलंकारान् ।
गलविलुलितवनमालं स्वतेजसापास्तकलिकालम्॥
valayán-guleeya-kádyànujjvalayantam svalankárán,
gala-vilulita-vanamálam svatejasá-pásta-kalikálam.
जो अपनी कान्ति से स्वयं की पहनी हुई कंकण एवं अँगूठी आदि मनोहर गहनों की कान्ति को दुगनी कर रहे हैं, जिनके गले में वनमाला झूम रही हैं, जिन्होंने अपने तेज के प्रभाव से कलिकाल को नष्ट कर दिया है। 

The golden bracelets, rings, and other ornaments on Him seem to glow with a radiance that enhances the splendour of His divine form. His neck is adorned with the Vanamala garland, made of five heavenly fragrant flowers and sways gently in harmony with the rhythm of His divine heart. His brilliance and beauty drive away the sinful effects of the dark age of Kali.
गुंजारवालिकलितं गुंजापुंजान्विते शिरसि ।
भुंजानं सह गोपै: कुंजांतवीर्तिनं नमत ॥
gunjáravàli-kalitam gunjá-punjànvite shirasi,
bhunjánam sah gopaih kunjántar-vartinam namata.
वानफूलों से सज्जित काले घुंघराले बालों से अलंकृत जिनके मस्तक गूँजते हुए भौरों से शोभायमान हो रहा है। किसी कुंज के भीतर बैठकर ग्वालबालों के साथ भोजन करते हुए उन श्री कृष्ण का स्मरण करो। 

Behold the mesmerising sight of the divine arbour, where the curly locks of His dark hair are adorned with fragrant flowers and surrounded by lush vines. The air is abuzz with the harmonious hum of bumble bees, dancing in blissful delight around the playful Krishna, who frolics with His cowherd playmates, basking in the warmth of the midday sun. His joyful spirit is contagious as He partakes in His meal, relishing life’s simple pleasures in the enchanting bower.
मन्दारपुष्पवासितमन्दानिल सेवित परानन्दम् ।
मन्दाकिनीयुतपदं नमत महानन्ददं महापुरुषम् ॥
mandár-pushpa-vásita mandánila-sevit paránandam,
mandákini-yutapadam namata mahánandadam Mahápurusham.
जो मंदार पुष्पों से सुगंधित मंद पवन द्वारा सेवित हैं, जिनके चरणों में महापुरुषों से पूजित भगवती भागीरथी विराजमान हैं, जो स्वयं परमानन्द स्वरूप हैं उन श्री कृष्ण को प्रणाम है। 

Here, in this sacred space, we offer our worship and prayers to the Supreme Personality, Shree Krishna, the Bestower of the highest Bliss! A gentle breeze, scented with the heavenly fragrance of the Mandara flowers, fans Him. And at His sacred lotus feet, the sacred river, Ganga, flows - which is being revered by God-realised saints. 
सुरभीकृतदिग्वलयं सुरभिशतैरावृतः परितः।
सुरभीतिक्षपणमहासुरभीमं यादवं नमत ।।
surbheekrita-digvalayam surbhishatairávritah paritah,
surbheetichapan mahàsurbheemam Yadavam namata.
जगद्गुरु शंकराचार्य कहतें हैं- ए जीव! उन परमानन्ददायक श्रीकृष्ण का स्मरण करो, जिन्होंने समस्त दिशाओं को सुगन्धित कर रखा है, जो सैकड़ों कामधेनु गौओं से घिरे हुए हैं, जो देवताओं के भय को दूर करने वाले एवं भयानक राक्षसों को भी भयभीत करने वाले हैं, उन यदुनन्दन का स्मरण करो।

Jagadguru Shankaracharya says: Oh, souls of this world, I implore you to surrender yourselves to the adoration and worship of the glorious Yadunandan Krishna (progeny of the Yadu dynasty). His divinity shines forth in all ten directions, and the sweet fragrance of his divine essence permeates the very air we breathe. He is surrounded by celestial cows (Kāmadhenu/ कामधेनु) that number in the hundreds, and his presence alone is enough to strike fear into the hearts of even the mightiest demons. His presence brings joy and happiness to all the gods and goddesses who behold him. So, my dear souls, I urge you to bow before him, serve him with utmost devotion, and surrender yourselves completely to his divine will.

आद्य जगद्गुरु शंकरचार्य द्वारा रचित प्रबोध सुधाकर- ध्यान विधि प्रकरण से उद्धृत [श्लोक संख्या: 184-190]।
Derived from Prabodha Sudhakara- Dhyana Vidhi Prakarana [Verses: 184-190] written by Adi Jagadguru Shankaracharya.