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Sharanagati ka Rahasya

Sharanagati ka Rahasya
JKYog India presents a unique opportunity to partake in an online class by Shailee Adhikari in Hindi, based on the enlightening lecture series' Sharanagati ka Rahasya' by the revered Swami Mukundananda. This comprehensive series, a treasure trove of 28 lectures, delves into profound subjects, offering a privileged understanding of surrender and devotion.

Swami Mukundananda's lectures offer practical insights and guidance on navigating the spiritual path. The series covers a wide array of topics, including the secrets of effortlessly attracting God's grace, strategies to safeguard oneself from the illusory nature of Maya, and clarity on the divine laws governing the universe.

The online class is not a one-way lecture, but a platform that provides a supportive environment for participants to actively engage with Swami Mukundananda's teachings. Through interactive sessions, discussions, and practical exercises, participants delve into the nuances of surrender and explore its profound implications for spiritual growth and self-realisation.

Throughout the series, Swamiji elucidates the true meaning of "sharanagati" (surrender) and its transformative power in one's life. Participants learn about the significance of cultivating gratitude, overcoming fear, and transcending the obstacles posed by ego and lack of motivation on the path of devotion.

The class also delves into the essence of the Bhagavad Gita, offering profound insights into its teachings and their practical application in daily life. Participants learn about the importance of relying on God, the various types of individuals who may struggle with surrender, and the sixfold process of surrender outlined in the scriptures.

Overall, JKYog India's online class on "Sharanagati ka Rahasya" provides seekers with a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. With Swami Mukundananda's profound wisdom and Shailee's guidance, participants are empowered to deepen their understanding of surrender and unlock the secrets to living a life of devotion, gratitude, and inner peace.
Thorough in-depth knowledge
Live Interaction
Q & A
In Hindi
Day: Every Friday
Time: 08:00 PM IST
Moderator: Shailee Adhikari
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About the Moderator

Shailee Adhikari
Ramayan Rahasya - Hindi
Shreemad Bhagavat Katha - Hindi
Anand Ki Khoj - Hindi
Sharanagati ka Rahasya - Hindi
Shailee Adhikari, the moderator for the JKYog Online Classes, has been a resident of the JKYog Ashrams since 2007, dedicating herself as a full-time volunteer throughout this time. With over 200 hours of teaching experience, she has previously led a variety of classes, including "Anand ki Khoj," "Sharanagati ka Rahasya," and "Ramayan Rahasya". Shailee's deep spiritual understanding is rooted in the teachings of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, and her work has been significantly influenced by her long association with Swami Mukundananda, whose guidance continues to inspire her in all her endeavours. Currently, Shailee is guiding participants through the "Shreemad Bhagavat Katha," drawing on her deep understanding of spiritual texts to make the teachings accessible to everyone. Her sessions allow participants to explore the Bhagavat Katha and gain spiritual insights and wisdom through her clear and thoughtful explanations. As a postgraduate in English literature with an additional Diploma in Multimedia, Shailee has been applying her multimedia skills to design various print and publicity materials for JKYog. She first met Swami Mukundananda at a young age in 1997, and her long association with him has deeply influenced her spiritual journey.

Online Session Blogs

42- रहूगण का प्रश्न और जडभरत का समाधान- परम सत्य का साक्षात्कार सच्चे भक्त के चरणों में समर्पण से होता है
42- रहूगण का प्रश्न और जडभरत का समाधान- परम सत्य का साक्षात्कार सच्चे भक्त के चरणों में समर्पण से होता है
Jan 19th, 2025
श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण- स्कन्ध: 5 अध्याय: 10-12

एक बार सिन्धुसौवीर देशका स्वामी राजा रहूगण पालकीपर चढ़कर जा रहा था। इक्षुमती नदी के किनारे पालकी उठाने के लिए एक कहार की आवश्यकता पड़ी। संयोग से जड़ भरत …
42- Rahugan's Question and Jadbharat's Answer – God-Realisation is Achieved by Surrendering at the Feet of a True Devotee
42- Rahugan's Question and Jadbharat's Answer – God-Realisation is Achieved by Surrendering at the Feet of a True Devotee
Jan 19th, 2025
Shreemad Bhagavat Mahapuran- Canto: 5, Chapters: 10-12

Once, King Rahugan, the ruler of the Sindhusauvira kingdom, was travelling in a palanquin. Near the banks of the Ikshumati River, they needed an …
41- Bharat's Rebirth as Jadbharat: Captured by Dacoits, Saved by Goddess Bhadrakali, and the Encounter with King Rahugan
41- Bharat's Rebirth as Jadbharat: Captured by Dacoits, Saved by Goddess Bhadrakali, and the Encounter with King Rahugan
Jan 16th, 2025
Shreemad Bhagavat Mahapuran- Canto: 5, Chapters: 9-10

Bhagwan Rishabhdev's son, Maharaj Bharat, after whom this region was named Bharatvarsh, was a great devotee of God. After ruling for one crore yea…
41- भरत महाराज का जड़ भरत के रूप में पुनर्जन्म: डाकुओं के द्वारा बंदी, देवी भद्रकाली द्वारा उद्धार और राजा रहूगण से सामना
41- भरत महाराज का जड़ भरत के रूप में पुनर्जन्म: डाकुओं के द्वारा बंदी, देवी भद्रकाली द्वारा उद्धार और राजा रहूगण से सामना
Jan 16th, 2025
श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण- स्कन्ध: 5 अध्याय: 9-10

भगवान ऋषभदेव के पुत्र महाराज भरत, जिनके नाम पर इस क्षेत्र का नाम भारतवर्ष पड़ा, भगवान के बड़े भक्त थे। एक करोड़ वर्ष राज्य करने के बाद राज्य और सब भोग-विल…
Unveiling the Divine: Understanding Shree Krishna's Personal Form and the Nature of God
Unveiling the Divine: Understanding Shree Krishna's Personal Form and the Nature of God
Jan 12th, 2025
Gita 9.11  
अवजानन्ति मां मूढा मानुषीं तनुमाश्रितम् |
परं भावमजानन्तो मम भूतमहेश्वरम् || 11||

avajānanti māṁ mūḍhā mānuṣhīṁ tanum āśhritam
paraṁ bhāvam ajānanto mama bhūta-maheśhvaram
"This verse exp…
40- Teachings of Bhagwan Rishabhdev and the story of Fall of Maharaj Bharat Due to Momentary Carelessness and Attachment on a Fawn
40- Teachings of Bhagwan Rishabhdev and the story of Fall of Maharaj Bharat Due to Momentary Carelessness and Attachment on a Fawn
Jan 11th, 2025
Shreemad Bhagavat Mahapuran- Canto: 5, Chapters: 5-8

Bhagwan Rishabhdev, while imparting teachings to His sons and the Brahmins, said:
gururn sa syaat svajno na sa syaat pita na sa syaaj janani na sa s…