Narad Bhakti Darshan
JKYog India's online class on Narad Bhakti Darshan, based on Swami Mukundananda's lecture series, is conducted by Rachana Chokappu in English. This class allows seekers to explore the path of devotion as outlined by sage Narad. The Narad Bhakti Sutra is a timeless scripture that offers invaluable guidance to seekers on cultivating a deep, meaningful relationship with the Divine.
Swami Mukundananda's lecture series on Narad Bhakti Sutra delves into each sutra with depth and clarity, offering profound spiritual insights and practical implications for aspirants on the path of devotion. He explains various aspects of bhakti, including its types, attributes, and stages of development, and offers practical techniques to deepen one's devotion and experience the divine presence in everyday life. The Narad Bhakti Sutra emphasises the importance of surrendering to the will of the Divine, cultivating pure love and devotion, and transcending worldly attachments to attain union with the Supreme. Swami Mukundananda's lecture series inspires and guides seekers aspiring to deepen their spiritual practice and experience the profound joy of divine love.
JKYog India's online class provides a platform for students to engage in meaningful discussions and reflections and explore the teachings of Narad Bhakti Sutra in depth. Through interactive sessions and Q&A opportunities, participants can delve into the nuances of bhakti and its transformative power in their lives.
Overall, JKYog India's class on Narad Bhakti Darshan, based on Swami Mukundananda's lecture series, offers a sacred space to deepen one's understanding of devotion and embark on a transformative journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery.
Swami Mukundananda's lecture series on Narad Bhakti Sutra delves into each sutra with depth and clarity, offering profound spiritual insights and practical implications for aspirants on the path of devotion. He explains various aspects of bhakti, including its types, attributes, and stages of development, and offers practical techniques to deepen one's devotion and experience the divine presence in everyday life. The Narad Bhakti Sutra emphasises the importance of surrendering to the will of the Divine, cultivating pure love and devotion, and transcending worldly attachments to attain union with the Supreme. Swami Mukundananda's lecture series inspires and guides seekers aspiring to deepen their spiritual practice and experience the profound joy of divine love.
JKYog India's online class provides a platform for students to engage in meaningful discussions and reflections and explore the teachings of Narad Bhakti Sutra in depth. Through interactive sessions and Q&A opportunities, participants can delve into the nuances of bhakti and its transformative power in their lives.
Overall, JKYog India's class on Narad Bhakti Darshan, based on Swami Mukundananda's lecture series, offers a sacred space to deepen one's understanding of devotion and embark on a transformative journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery.
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Every Tuesday
Time: 08:00 PM IST
Moderator: Rachana Chokkapu
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About the Moderator
Rachana Chokkapu
Narad Bhakti Darshan - Hindi
Narad Bhakti Darshan English - English
Science of Mind Management - English
Online Session Blogs
40- Teachings of Bhagwan Rishabhdev and the story of Fall of Maharaj Bharat Due to Momentary Carelessness and Attachment on a Fawn
Jan 11th, 2025
Shreemad Bhagavat Mahapuran- Canto: 5, Chapters: 5-8
Bhagwan Rishabhdev, while imparting teachings to His sons and the Brahmins, said:
gururn sa syaat svajno na sa syaat pita na sa syaaj janani na sa s…
40- भगवान ऋषभदेव की शिक्षा और क्षणिक असावधानी और हिरण में आसक्ति से महाराज भरत के पतन की कथा
Jan 11th, 2025
श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण- स्कन्ध: 5 अध्याय: 5-8
भगवान ऋषभदेव ने अपने पुत्रों और ब्राह्मणों को उपदेश देते हुए कहा-
गुरुर्न स स्यात्स्वजनो न स स्यात्पिता न स स्याज्जननी न सा स्यात्
दैवं न तत्स्यान्न पतिश्च स…
39- प्रियव्रत वंश की महत्ता और भगवान ऋषभदेव का अवतार
Jan 8th, 2025
श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण- स्कन्ध: 5 अध्याय: 1-5
स्वायम्भुव मनु और शतरूपा की संतानें दो पुत्र और तीन पुत्रियाँ थीं। उनके पुत्रों में प्रियव्रत और उत्तानपाद (जिनके पुत्र ध्रुव थे) शामिल हैं। तीन पुत्रियों …
39- Lineage of King Priyavrat and the Incarnation of Bhagwan Rishabhdev
Jan 8th, 2025
Shreemad Bhagavat Mahapuran- Canto: 5, Chapters: 1-5
The children of Swayambhuva Manu and Shatarupa included two sons and three daughters. Among the sons were Priyavrat and Uttanapad (whose son was Dh…
Divine Knowledge and The Power of Faith
Jan 5th, 2025
Gita 9.3
अश्रद्दधाना: पुरुषा धर्मस्यास्य परन्तप |
अप्राप्य मां निवर्तन्ते मृत्युसंसारवर्त्मनि || 3 ||
aśhraddadhānāḥ puruṣhā dharmasyāsya parantapa
aprāpya māṁ nivartante mṛityu-samsāra-vartmani
This vers…
38- पुरंजन आख्यान के प्रतीक और उनका अर्थ प्रचेताओं की मुक्ति की कथा
Jan 4th, 2025
श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण- स्कन्ध: 4 अध्याय: 29-31
प्राचीनकाल में राजा पुरंजन, अपने मित्र अविज्ञात को छोड़कर, रहने योग्य स्थान की खोज में पूरी पृथ्वी पर भटकते हैं। भोगों की लालसा के कारण उन्हें कोई स्थान …