7 Mindsets for Success Happiness and Fulfillment

JKYog India's online book study group allows participants to delve into Swami Mukundananda's bestseller "7 Mindsets for Success, Happiness, and Fulfillment." The book focuses on seven powerful mindsets that can lead to success and fulfilment in life. Ganesh Rapolu leads the group and guides and supports the participants.
The book explores seven mindsets, each contributing to unlocking success, happiness, and fulfilment in life. These mindsets include:
1. The Mindset of Positive Thoughts
2. The Mindset of Taking Responsibility for Our Emotions
3. The Mindset of Inspiration
4. The Mindset of Purity of Intention
5. The Mindset of Cultivating Knowledge
6. The mindset of Discipline
7. The Mindset of Growing in the Face of Problems
By understanding these mindsets, readers can distinguish between sentiments, emotions, and feelings that either uplift or hinder their progress.
The book doesn't just delve into theories; it provides practical insights and strategies for implementing these desirable attitudes. It includes exercises, activities, and workbooks that guide readers to master these seven mindsets. By doing so, readers gain control over their minds and destinies, empowering them to achieve success, happiness, and fulfilment in all aspects of life.
The online book study group is about more than just reading and understanding the book. It's about applying the teachings of "7 Mindsets for Success, Happiness, and Fulfillment" in our daily lives. Under Ganesh Rapolu's guidance, participants engage in discussions, exercises, and practical applications of the book's principles. This interactive and supportive environment is designed to foster personal growth and development, making the journey towards success, happiness, and fulfilment more enriching and rewarding.
In conclusion, embracing these seven mindsets can help individuals become masters of their minds and destinies, holding the key to their own success, happiness, and fulfilment. With the guidance of Swami Mukundananda's teachings and the support of the online study group, participants can embark on a transformative journey towards a more empowered and fulfilling life.
The book explores seven mindsets, each contributing to unlocking success, happiness, and fulfilment in life. These mindsets include:
1. The Mindset of Positive Thoughts
2. The Mindset of Taking Responsibility for Our Emotions
3. The Mindset of Inspiration
4. The Mindset of Purity of Intention
5. The Mindset of Cultivating Knowledge
6. The mindset of Discipline
7. The Mindset of Growing in the Face of Problems
By understanding these mindsets, readers can distinguish between sentiments, emotions, and feelings that either uplift or hinder their progress.
The book doesn't just delve into theories; it provides practical insights and strategies for implementing these desirable attitudes. It includes exercises, activities, and workbooks that guide readers to master these seven mindsets. By doing so, readers gain control over their minds and destinies, empowering them to achieve success, happiness, and fulfilment in all aspects of life.
The online book study group is about more than just reading and understanding the book. It's about applying the teachings of "7 Mindsets for Success, Happiness, and Fulfillment" in our daily lives. Under Ganesh Rapolu's guidance, participants engage in discussions, exercises, and practical applications of the book's principles. This interactive and supportive environment is designed to foster personal growth and development, making the journey towards success, happiness, and fulfilment more enriching and rewarding.
In conclusion, embracing these seven mindsets can help individuals become masters of their minds and destinies, holding the key to their own success, happiness, and fulfilment. With the guidance of Swami Mukundananda's teachings and the support of the online study group, participants can embark on a transformative journey towards a more empowered and fulfilling life.
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Every Sunday
Time: 05:00 PM IST
Moderator: Ganesh Rapolu
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About the Moderator
Ganesh Rapolu
Yoga for Health and Wellness - English
7 Mindsets for Success Happiness and Fulfillment - English
Ganesh Rapolu from Pune working as a mechanical engineer in Cummins India Ltd. He is also a Prem Yoga Certified Trainer. He teaches Yoga on the basis of the Book “Yoga, For the Body, Mind, and Soul” written by Swami Mukundananda. Swamiji formulated this knowledge of Yoga in his book as Kripalu Prakriya. Kripalu Prakriya involves Radha Krishna Yogasan, Radhey Shyam Pranayam, and Subtle Body Relaxation (Sukshma Shareer Vishram). Every class has a meditation and Pranayam at the end.
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