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Date: 11 Feb - 12 Feb 2025
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Understanding the intricate teachings of Hinduism—such as the nature of the self, the goal of life, the Vedas, the necessity of a true Guru, and the paths of Karma, Jnana, and Bhakti—can be challenging. With various interpretations available, confusion is common. As the Bhagavad Gita (4.34) emphasises, seeking guidance from a Guru is essential for grasping true knowledge.

It is a great fortune that Swami Mukundananda will be in your city to guide you through the complexities of the Vedic scriptures and the "Secrets of Hinduism and Teachings of Saints." His profound insights will clarify these essential concepts and make them accessible.

The lives of saints also illustrate the transformative power of devotion and wisdom, inspiring us to pursue spiritual progress and align with higher principles. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from a true spiritual master and enrich your spiritual journey!


  • Enlightening Lecture
  • Blissful Kirtans
  • Chance to meet Swamiji
  • Get a personally signed copy of his book

Event Details

11 FEB
Topic: Spiritual Secrets from Hinduism
Date: 11 Feb - 12 Feb 2025
Time: 05:30 PM - 08:00 PM
Venue: Vasvik Auditorium, Trident Shopping Complex, Race Course Road, Gautam Nagar, Vadiwadi
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