Upanishad Sarita

JKYog India has relaunched the "Upanishad Sarita" class conducted in Hindi by Parth Mehta. The first Upanishad explored in this course is the Kathopanishad. This class offers seekers profound wisdom and guidance on self-realisation and spiritual enlightenment.
The "Upanishad Sarita" online class provides an in-depth exploration of the teachings from the 11 principal Upanishads, including Isha, Kena, Kath, Prashna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Taittiriya, Aitareya, Chandogya, Brihadaranyaka, and Shvetashvatara Upanishads. Each of these texts delves into profound philosophical concepts and spiritual truths, offering practical applications for modern life.
The classes' interactive format allows participants to engage in detailed discussions on each Upanishad, exploring its philosophical concepts, spiritual symbolism, and practical applications. The course includes Q&A sessions that deepen students' understanding and help them integrate these profound teachings. The Upanishads guide seekers on a transformative journey of self-realisation, emphasising the importance of meditation, self-inquiry, and cultivating virtues such as compassion and wisdom.
By studying these ancient scriptures, participants gain not only intellectual knowledge but also experiential wisdom that has the power to profoundly transform their lives. JKYog India's online class on "Upanishad Sarita" serves as a sacred platform for seekers to delve into the depths of Vedic wisdom contained within the eleven Upanishads and embark on a journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery.
Thorough in-depth knowledge
Live Interaction
Q & A
Every Tuesday
Time: 07:30 PM IST
Moderator: Parth Mehta
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What our Participants say
Narendra Charan
Friday 6, 2024
Very good course by JK Yog, it is otherwise very difficult to understand the ved and upanishad. Radhey Radhey
About the Moderator
Parth Mehta
Bhagavad Gita - 2020 - Hindi
Upanishad Sarita - Hindi
Power of Thoughts Hindi - Hindi
Mr Parth Mehta first met Swami Mukundananda in 2004 when he was a physics student. Since then, he has been associated with Swamiji and has had many opportunities to seek wisdom under his guidance. Parth has served in many facets of JKYog, such as conducting the Ahmedabad Satsang Centre, organising events for Swamiji in Ahmedabad, editing Swamiji's videos, etc.
Along with this, he has been conducting JKYog Online Classes for the last three years, which include the series of "Aanand Ki Khoj", "Bhagavad Gita", "The Science of Mind Management", "The Seven Divine Laws", "Power of Thoughts" and "Upanishad Sarita". All these Hindi series comprise more than 300 hours of teaching experience. Parth is now leading the "Upanishad Sarita" series again with a newly designed approach wherein about 20 Upanishads will be covered. His sessions are scholarly and developed based on the wisdom of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj. Explore the forgotten ancient wisdom of Upanishads!
Online Session Blogs

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श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण- स्कन्ध: 6 अध्याय: 3-5
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