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Power of Thoughts Hindi

Power of Thoughts Hindi
JKYog India offers an online Hindi class led by Parth Mehta. This transformative journey is based on Swami Mukundananda's book The Power of Thought. This class unveils the profound influence that our thoughts wield over our lives and destiny. Swami Mukundananda's book is a beam of wisdom, guiding us to harness the power of thought for positive change and the realisation of our deepest aspirations.

The book emphasises that our thoughts are the key ingredients of a successful life. They cost nothing but are responsible for shaping our actions and experiences. Negative thoughts can manifest as diseases in the physical body, as explained in ancient scriptures like Yog Vasishth. Ayurveda also describes the impact of negative and positive thoughts on our physical health. The book also discusses the placebo effect, which demonstrates the power of our thoughts in healing.

In addition to exploring these profound concepts, the online class includes interactive sessions and Q&A discussions. Participants can deepen their understanding of the material, clarify doubts, and apply the teachings to their lives. This interactive format allows participants to engage with the teachings and enhance their learning experience actively.

Overall, JKYog India's online class on "The Power of Thought" provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of the profound impact of thoughts on their lives and health. With the guidance of Swami Mukundananda's teachings and Parth Mehta's leadership, participants can harness the power of thought to lead a healthier, more fulfilling life.
Thorough in-depth knowledge
Live Interaction
Q & A
In Hindi
Day: Every Tuesday
Time: 08:00 PM IST
Moderator: Parth Mehta
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About the Moderator

Parth Mehta
Bhagavad Gita - 2020 - Hindi
Upanishad Sarita - Hindi
Power of Thoughts Hindi - Hindi
Mr Parth Mehta first met Swami Mukundananda in 2004 when he was a physics student. Since then, he has been associated with Swamiji and has had many opportunities to seek wisdom under his guidance. Parth has served in many facets of JKYog, such as conducting the Ahmedabad Satsang Centre, organising events for Swamiji in Ahmedabad, editing Swamiji's videos, etc. Along with this, he has been conducting JKYog Online Classes for the last three years, which include the series of "Aanand Ki Khoj", "Bhagavad Gita", "The Science of Mind Management", "The Seven Divine Laws", "Power of Thoughts" and "Upanishad Sarita". All these Hindi series comprise more than 300 hours of teaching experience. Parth is now leading the "Upanishad Sarita" series again with a newly designed approach wherein about 20 Upanishads will be covered. His sessions are scholarly and developed based on the wisdom of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj. Explore the forgotten ancient wisdom of Upanishads!

Online Session Blogs

42- रहूगण का प्रश्न और जडभरत का समाधान- परम सत्य का साक्षात्कार सच्चे भक्त के चरणों में समर्पण से होता है
42- रहूगण का प्रश्न और जडभरत का समाधान- परम सत्य का साक्षात्कार सच्चे भक्त के चरणों में समर्पण से होता है
Jan 19th, 2025
श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण- स्कन्ध: 5 अध्याय: 10-12

एक बार सिन्धुसौवीर देशका स्वामी राजा रहूगण पालकीपर चढ़कर जा रहा था। इक्षुमती नदी के किनारे पालकी उठाने के लिए एक कहार की आवश्यकता पड़ी। संयोग से जड़ भरत …
42- Rahugan's Question and Jadbharat's Answer – God-Realisation is Achieved by Surrendering at the Feet of a True Devotee
42- Rahugan's Question and Jadbharat's Answer – God-Realisation is Achieved by Surrendering at the Feet of a True Devotee
Jan 19th, 2025
Shreemad Bhagavat Mahapuran- Canto: 5, Chapters: 10-12

Once, King Rahugan, the ruler of the Sindhusauvira kingdom, was travelling in a palanquin. Near the banks of the Ikshumati River, they needed an …
41- Bharat's Rebirth as Jadbharat: Captured by Dacoits, Saved by Goddess Bhadrakali, and the Encounter with King Rahugan
41- Bharat's Rebirth as Jadbharat: Captured by Dacoits, Saved by Goddess Bhadrakali, and the Encounter with King Rahugan
Jan 16th, 2025
Shreemad Bhagavat Mahapuran- Canto: 5, Chapters: 9-10

Bhagwan Rishabhdev's son, Maharaj Bharat, after whom this region was named Bharatvarsh, was a great devotee of God. After ruling for one crore yea…
41- भरत महाराज का जड़ भरत के रूप में पुनर्जन्म: डाकुओं के द्वारा बंदी, देवी भद्रकाली द्वारा उद्धार और राजा रहूगण से सामना
41- भरत महाराज का जड़ भरत के रूप में पुनर्जन्म: डाकुओं के द्वारा बंदी, देवी भद्रकाली द्वारा उद्धार और राजा रहूगण से सामना
Jan 16th, 2025
श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण- स्कन्ध: 5 अध्याय: 9-10

भगवान ऋषभदेव के पुत्र महाराज भरत, जिनके नाम पर इस क्षेत्र का नाम भारतवर्ष पड़ा, भगवान के बड़े भक्त थे। एक करोड़ वर्ष राज्य करने के बाद राज्य और सब भोग-विल…
Unveiling the Divine: Understanding Shree Krishna's Personal Form and the Nature of God
Unveiling the Divine: Understanding Shree Krishna's Personal Form and the Nature of God
Jan 12th, 2025
Gita 9.11  
अवजानन्ति मां मूढा मानुषीं तनुमाश्रितम् |
परं भावमजानन्तो मम भूतमहेश्वरम् || 11||

avajānanti māṁ mūḍhā mānuṣhīṁ tanum āśhritam
paraṁ bhāvam ajānanto mama bhūta-maheśhvaram
"This verse exp…
40- Teachings of Bhagwan Rishabhdev and the story of Fall of Maharaj Bharat Due to Momentary Carelessness and Attachment on a Fawn
40- Teachings of Bhagwan Rishabhdev and the story of Fall of Maharaj Bharat Due to Momentary Carelessness and Attachment on a Fawn
Jan 11th, 2025
Shreemad Bhagavat Mahapuran- Canto: 5, Chapters: 5-8

Bhagwan Rishabhdev, while imparting teachings to His sons and the Brahmins, said:
gururn sa syaat svajno na sa syaat pita na sa syaaj janani na sa s…