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The Transformative Power of Penance

Jul 26th, 2024 | 2 Min Read
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Category: Yog Sutra


Language: English

kāyendriya siddhir aśuddhi kṣayāt tapasaḥ ।। 2.43 ।।
Translation: By the performance of penance, the body and the sense organs attain paranormal perfection and one’s impurities are destroyed. 
In the pursuit of spiritual growth, the concept of the body becoming perfect holds significant importance. This perfection is attained through the performance of penance, leading to perfect health and even paranormal powers of consciousness, known as siddhis. But how is this transformation possible?

The Mind-Body Connection
The saying "sound mind in a sound body" underlines the interrelation between mental and physical well-being. Health and the body's condition are intrinsically linked to the mind. When the mind is content and focused, the body, limbs, and sense organs follow suit, feeling robust and vigorous. Penance, or tapas, involves the utmost concentration of the mind—single-pointed devotion. Achieving this state indicates a strong mind, which in turn strengthens the body and the sense organs. This phenomenon is referred to as kāyendriya-siddhi.

Burning Impurities Through Tapas
A strong mind and body are devoid of impurities, which is achieved through penance. The word 'tapas' is derived from the root "tap," meaning to burn. Penance burns the impurities of the mind. Impurities like desire, anger, jealousy, malice, and ill will impede deep concentration and true meditation.

The Teachings of the Mundaka Upanishad
The Mundaka Upanishad states, "This Supreme Brahman within the body, the pure Inner Light, can be realised by truth and tapas, by sound knowledge, and by the observance of celibacy." This highlights the requirements for realising the Supreme Being within, which include restraint, control of the sense organs, sound spiritual knowledge, truthfulness, contentment, and celibacy—all forms of penance. Among these, utmost concentration on the Supreme Being is paramount.

The Purity of the Inner Light
Just as a lighted lamp appears pure, the Inner Light within purifies an individual, clearing negativities like anger and malice. This type of penance should be practised consistently for lasting effects. Even brief meditation on the Supreme Being can lead to enlightenment, with sages guiding the seeker in the world of men, combining tapas, brahmacharya (celibacy), and faith.

Insights from the Shiva Puran
The Shiva Puran emphasises the power of penance and describes it as the greatest sacrifice. It states, "Penance is the means of achievement for all objects. One attains liberation, knowledge, perfect wisdom, good fortune, and beauty by penance." Penance enables Brahma to create the universe, Vishnu to protect it effortlessly, Shiva to dissolve, and Shesha to uphold the earth. Sage Vishvamitra attained great powers solely through penance.

Tapas: The Aid to Bhakti
Tapas is an excellent aid to bhakti (devotion). Austerity, sacrifice, asceticism, and detachment draw God's grace. The heat generated by tapas burns out transgressions and modifies one's karma, similar to how heat purifies butter into ghee. Disciplined spiritual practice helps control and coordinate the functions of the body-mind complex. Through processes like churning and squeezing, precious outcomes are achieved. Similarly, by penance, the body and mind are purified, leading to the attainment of God's grace.
In conclusion, the journey to perfection through penance involves:
  • Strengthening the mind and body.
  • Burning impurities.
  • Fostering deep devotion and concentration on the Supreme Being.
This holistic approach not only purifies the individual but also attracts divine grace, paving the way for spiritual enlightenment and profound transformation.

Summary: JKYog India Online Class- Patanjali Yoga Sutra [English]- 25.07.2024