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The Transformative Power of Asanas: Balancing Mind and Body Beyond Physical Exercise

Aug 30th, 2024 | 3 Min Read
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Category: Yog Sutra


Language: English

ततो द्वन्द्वानभिघातः ।।
tato dvandvānabhighātaḥ ।। 2.48 ।।
Translation: Once a practitioner perfects the posture (asana), they are no longer affected by dualities such as cold and heat, hunger and thirst, or gain and loss. These opposites no longer cause distress or suffering.

Benefits of asanas
By perfecting the asanas, one can be free from disturbances of the pairs of opposites (dualities). 

Mental balancing
  • In the last two chapters, we discussed certain asanas and their physical benefits. However, the main benefit comes from the mental balancing they can provide.
  •  The mind is always troubled by the pairs of opposites like pleasure and pain, profit and loss, and victory and defeat. On account of them, man is taken to great heights of material joy or dumped to the lowest gloomy state. Both are not good for the body and the mind. A proper balance is required. This is what the asanas can provide. 

Difference between physical exercise and the asanas

At the outset, we must understand that the asanas are not just physical exercises. They seem to be external, but they are subtle. This is the essential difference between the physical exercises performed in a gym and the asanas performed at home or in the yoga halls. While physical exercises only take care of the body’s limbs, asanas also cater to the needs of the mind. What is the proof? The proof lies in the experiences of the yoga practitioners. Practice the asanas and see the benefits for yourself. 

Yoga is a mind-related science
Yoga is foremost a mind-related science. That is why Sage Patañjali has elaborated on the mind and its functions and the necessity of controlling the thought processes in the whole of the first book and 90% of the second book as well before talking about the asanas. Granting that the asanas can also benefit the mind, what kind of change can they make in mental functioning? 

There is an asana called kurmasana. Kurma means a tortoise. In this posture, the practitioner looks like a tortoise. The symbolic meaning of this aasana is that  – at the slightest disturbance, the tortoise withdraws its limbs into its shell. So also, man should withdraw his sense organs from the sense objects when there is a little temptation arising from them.
Yoga Asanas help to control the effect of misery
  • Generally, a person gets upset by sad news. For some people, it becomes a habit. They get upset about anything and everything. This is not good for health since bursts of sorrow may lead to depression and other complications. 
  • How to get rid of sorrow? The Yogasanas are helpful. For example, whenever affected by sadness, a person may go into Padmasana and meditate for a few minutes. It is not easy, but it can be practised.
  • Regular practice of Padmasana and meditation for a few minutes a day will help solve many mental issues. 
  • As we have seen, the mind is the key factor in controlling emotions. If the mind is calmed down, a number of physical problems can also be solved. 

Benefits of Yogasanas 

  • Removes stiffness of the body
  • A good physique and pleasant personality.
  • Maintaining a balance of the body
  • Protecting the cartilage 
  • Keeping the spine in the proper condition
  • Developing the bone strength
  • Purifying the blood
  • Increasing the resistance power
  • Regulating the heartbeat
  • Controlling the Blood Pressure
  • Adrenal glands are regulated
Yogic practices guide us in the right direction. We should become like the lotus petals.  Although they are constantly in the water, the droplets slide just as easily off of their petals.  Detachment occurs on the mental level.  Make it all equal in your mind so that loss will not cause you sadness and gain will not be the source of your happiness.

Summary: JKYog India Online Class- Patanjali Yoga Sutra [English]- 29.08.2024