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The 48-Hour Akhand Sankirtan Mahayagya at JKYog Bhakti Ashram- 2024

Jul 31st, 2024 | 3 Min Read
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Category: News & Updates


Language: English

From 19th to 21st June 2024, JKYog Bhakti Ashram in Banara, Cuttack, Odisha, transformed into a sacred sanctuary of devotion on the auspicious occasion of Guru Poornima. Devotees gathered online and in person from around the world for an uninterrupted 48 hours of Akhand Sankirtan, immersing themselves in the divine offerings of pada (couplets), bhajans, and kirtans composed by Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj.

The experience of singing these sacred kirtans, composed by our Guru, becomes a deeply personal act of devotion. By offering back the very melodies given to us, we infuse them with our tears of devotion, embodying the sentiment of "tera tujha ko arpan" – "what is yours, I offer back to you." In this way, our offerings become a heartfelt reciprocation of the Guru's graces, creating a profound exchange of love and devotion between the Guru and His devotees.

The Akhand Sankirtan Mahayagya at JKYog Bhakti Ashram was more than a grand event; it was a living testament to the boundless grace of our Guru and the transformative power of kirtan. Each moment served as a reminder of the deep connection we share with the Divine, and the echoes of this sacred practice continue to inspire and uplift every soul touched by its divine melody.

Spiritual Grace and Collective Devotion

The event began with a recorded video lecture by Swami Mukundananda, whose teachings filled the space with a sense of sacredness and spiritual grace. The lighting of the Akhand Deep, symbolising eternal light and divine wisdom, marked the auspicious start of this divine observance. The gentle glow of the Akhand Deep reminded all present of the everlasting flame of spiritual knowledge and divine love.

Each melodic repetition of the Divine Names chanted with sincere devotion, purified hearts, uplifted souls, and deepened each devotee's connection with the Supreme Being. The continuous Akhand Sankirtan created a sacred environment where devotees could fully engage in this transformative practice. The soulful rendering by talented singers from JKYog Bhakti Ashram and Odisha's satsang centres created a harmonious and divine atmosphere that touched every heart. The event's seamless live streaming allowed the devotees to join the Mahayagya from their homes, never letting them feel left out.

In addition to the devotional singing, the Mahayagya highlighted the importance of selfless service (Seva). Through a fundraiser to establish Jagadguru Kripalu University, participants had the chance to combine their spiritual practices with meaningful actions. By dedicating their time, energy, and resources, devotees embraced Seva as a pathway to spiritual upliftment.

A Sacred Communion on Guru Poornima

On Guru Poornima, the atmosphere was filled with deep reverence as special kirtans celebrated the boundless grace of our Guru. Devotees were blessed to get darshan of the room where Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj had resided during his visit to the ashram in 2012. It felt as if the Guru's presence was still there, showering every soul with His infinite love and guidance. The room became a sacred space where devotees felt an intimate connection with the Divine.

Conclusion of the Event: Drone View and Maha Aarti

A drone's aerial view of the serene JKYog campus offered a visual perspective that allowed viewers to appreciate the peace and harmony that enveloped the ashram during this divine celebration.

The Mahayagya concluded with a grand Maha Aarti, a heartfelt expression of gratitude to Hari and Guru. As the sacred flames danced and the devotional chants filled the air, a deep sense of fulfilment and longing for further spiritual connection pervaded the hearts of all present.

From Bliss to Yearning: The Divine Journey Continues

JKYog's 48-hour Akhand Sankirtan Mahayagya was a resounding success, demonstrating the enduring power of collective devotion. It ignited a flame of inspiration, encouraging participants to approach the spiritual path with renewed enthusiasm. The echoes of the divine melodies continue to resonate, serving as a timeless reminder of the transformative power of kirtan and the eternal value of selfless service. The devotees return to their daily lives with hearts deeply longing for the next 48-hour Akhand Sankirtan Mahayagya. The divine experience leaves an indelible mark on their souls, and they eagerly await the return of this grand event next year on Guru Poornima. The hearts yearn to once again immerse in the boundless grace and devotion that only such a divine gathering can offer.