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Tale of Akshaya Patra and How Shree Krishna Rescued Pandavas from the Wrath of Durvasa

May 9th, 2024 | 3 Min Read
Blog Thumnail

Category: Vedic Tales


Language: English

Yudhishthira, the eldest Pandava, is renowned for his unwavering devotion to righteousness. He's known as Dharmaraja, the embodiment of truth and justice. His lineage is impeccable—son of the god Dharma and Kunti, he leads his people from the magnificent city of Indraprastha, built by the divine architect Vishwakarma himself. Yudhishthira isn't alone. He has his four brothers – the mighty Bhima, the peerless archer Arjuna, and the twins Nakula and Sahadeva – and two wives, the wise Draupadi and Devika. 

But his unwavering commitment to Dharma (close translation: duty and righteousness) makes him a target for his cunning cousin Duryodhana's manipulative uncle, Shakuni. Shakuni, a master of deception, hatches a plan – a game of dice – knowing Yudhishthira's inability to refuse a challenge. Despite being a novice, Yudhishthira accepts the gamble. What unfolds is a nightmare. He loses everything on the dice roll – his kingdom, lands, brothers, and even Draupadi. Stripped bare, the Pandavas are banished to the unforgiving forest for thirteen long years.

Exiled and with limited resources, Yudhishthira faces a new challenge – feeding everyone who has loyally followed them. The wise sages who once graced Indraprastha refuse to abandon the righteous Dharmaraja, leaving him with a heavy heart. Desperate, Yudhishthira turns to the Sun God, Surya, offering his unwavering devotion. His sincerity is rewarded. Surya appears before him, granting him the Akshaya Patra, a magical pot overflowing with endless food! The pot will never be empty if the last person isn't satiated. This miraculous gift is a game-changer. Now, the Pandavas can finally nourish everyone, no matter how many arrive at their humble forest abode. Bhima, the brother with the legendary appetite (known as Vrikodara, the "wolf-bellied"), can finally eat his fill! Their boundless hospitality spreads like wildfire, attracting sages from all corners to come and experience the Pandavas' generosity.

But back in Hastinapur, Duryodhana simmers with envy. Despite stripping the Pandavas of everything, they're thriving in the wilderness! His anger explodes when he learns about the magical Akshaya Patra. Consumed by jealousy, Duryodhana hatches yet another plan involving the short-tempered sage Durvasa. Feared for his unpredictable nature and ferocious curses, Durvasa is a force to be reckoned with. Duryodhana showers Durvasa with attention, carefully ensuring the volatile sage stays content. Then, he slyly mentions the Pandavas' hermitage, suggesting a visit. But Duryodhana adds a malicious twist – he advises Durvasa to visit after Draupadi has eaten, knowing the Akshaya Patra will be empty by then. Intrigued, Durvasa agrees and sets off for the Pandavas' forest dwelling.

One evening, as Draupadi finishes her meal and cleans the Akshaya Patra, panic surges through her. Durvasa and his disciples are approaching, and with an empty vessel, disaster looms. Yudhishthira welcomes Durvasa, promising a meal after his bath. Sahadeva rushes to inform Draupadi but finds her deep in prayer. Suddenly, a radiant figure appears – Shree Krishna! Draupadi explains their predicament, the empty Akshaya Patra. Undeterred, Krishna insists on seeing it. To everyone's surprise, he finds a single grain of rice clinging to the bottom. With a mischievous grin, he declares it the most delicious meal he's ever had and pops it in his mouth.

Meanwhile, Durvasa and his disciples emerge from their bath, feeling strangely full. They can't even fathom another bite! Confused yet fearing Yudhishthira's wrath, Durvasa's disciples urge him to leave. They vanish into the night, leaving Yudhishthira baffled when he finds no guests by the lake. Krishna, with a knowing smile, reassures Yudhishthira. The food, he declares, was magnificent! He promises to visit again soon. Yudhishthira is left overwhelmed with gratitude. His unwavering faith in Dharma and devotion to Shree Krishna have once again shown their power, proving that even in exile, righteousness prevails.