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Navaratri Day 9: Worshiping Maa Siddhidaatri, Rituals, and the Tale of Ardhanaishwara Form

Oct 23rd, 2023 | 3 Min Read
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Category: Vedic Tales


Language: English

The ninth and final day of Navaratri is a special occasion dedicated to Maa Siddhidaatri (Siddhidātri/सिद्धिदात्री). Her name, which means the giver (dātrī/दात्री) of mystical powers (siddhi/सिद्धि), perfectly encapsulates her role as the granter of spiritual aspirations to her devotees. Maa Siddhidaatri has the power to fulfil desires in both the material and spiritual realms, a testament to her benevolence.

The significance of her connection to Lord Shiva is profound, as she embodies the Ardhanaishwara (​​Ardhanārīśvara/अर्धनारीश्वर) form of the deity. In this unique form, half of Lord Shiva's body is that of the supreme male, while the other half represents the supreme female. "Ardha" denotes half, "Nari" signifies female, and "Ishwar" represents the Lord. The female half is dedicated to Maa Siddhidaatri in this representation, highlighting her divine presence.

Lord Shiva himself acquired his mystical and divine powers through the worship of Maa Siddhidaatri. She is often depicted seated on a blue lotus flower, with a lion as her mount. Her four hands each hold significant symbols: a club, a chakra (discus), a lotus, and a shankha (conch), signifying her multifaceted nature.

In her divine presence, Maa Siddhidaatri is surrounded by Gandharvas, Yakshas, Siddhas, Asuras, and Devatas, all paying obeisance to the goddess. This final day of Navaratri is a time for devotees to seek her blessings, fulfil their spiritual quests and invoke her grace for both worldly and otherworldly desires.

Rituals to Worship Maa Siddhidaatri

Begin your day by rising early and cleansing yourself with a purifying bath. Don clean clothes to symbolize your readiness for the spiritual journey ahead. Create a sacred space for the mother and install the idol of Maa Siddhidatri at the focal point of your devotion. As you meditate upon her, offer Prasad to the goddess, infusing your offerings with pure intentions and devotion. Present a selection of fruits, flowers, and other symbolic offerings to the Mata Rani, expressing your reverence. Light a lamp and perform aarti for Maa Siddhidatri, illuminating your surroundings with the divine glow of spirituality. 

As you conclude the puja, seek the blessings of Maa Siddhidatri, expressing your gratitude and devotion. On this day, devotees are encouraged to concentrate on the Nirvana Chakra in the middle of the skull. Through this focused meditation, devotees can harness the spiritual power in their Nirvana Chakra, granted by the grace of Mata Siddhidatri.

For a special touch, offer seasonal fruits, gram, puri, kheer, coconut, and halwa, as it is believed that Maa Siddhidatri is pleased with these offerings on Navami. This act of devotion and offering is a beautiful way to connect with the divine and seek the blessings of the goddess.

Maa Siddhidaatri: The Granter of Supernatural Powers

The tale of creation begins with a vast, encompassing void cloaked in absolute darkness. Suddenly, a divine ray of light burst forth, banishing the darkness and bathing the void in radiant illumination. This light, initially formless, gradually took on a divine feminine form, revealing itself as Aadishakti, the Supreme Goddess.

From Aadishakti, the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh (Shiva) emanated. As the Divine Mother, she imparted guidance to the Trinity, urging them to contemplate their roles in upholding the cosmic order. The Trinity heeded her counsel and embarked on a profound journey of tapasya (penance), sitting by the shores of an ocean for many years.

Pleased with their devotion, the Goddess, in the form of Maa Siddhidaatri, appeared before them. Additionally, she created and bestowed upon them consorts Lakshmi to Vishnu, Saraswati to Brahma, and Parvati to Shiva. The Trinity's roles were defined: Brahma for the world's creation, Vishnu for its preservation, and Shiva for the eventual dissolution during pralaya, with their powers residing in their respective consorts.

Maa Siddhidaatri promised to empower them to fulfil their duties. She granted them eight siddhis, namely Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakambya, Ishitva, and Vashitva, along with nine treasures and ten other supernatural abilities. With her blessings, the vast creation unfolded, from microorganisms to celestial beings, stars, galaxies, constellations, and solar systems. The 14 worlds took shape, and Maa Siddhidaatri, seated on a lotus with four arms holding a lotus, mace, Chakra, and shankha, bestowed knowledge to dispel ignorance and realise God, completing the universe's grand design.