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Swamiji Mukundananda Inspires at Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad and VJTI College: Bridging Science, Spirituality, and Youth Engagement

Jan 17th, 2024 | 2 Min Read
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Category: News & Updates


Language: English

Swamiji Mukundananda recently attended two significant events, leaving a lasting impression on the politically active youth of Bharat and the students at VJTI College. His presence at the 13th Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad (Indian Student Parliament), themed "Yugantar: Youth in Transition," provided a platform for Swamiji to strengthen democracy and instil a sense of national vision among the vibrant youth.

The event began with a warm welcome from Shri Rahul V Karad Ji, the Managing Trustee and executive President of MAEER's MIT and MIT World Peace University. Swamiji's participation in Yugantar set the tone for a thought-provoking experience where he expounded on Swami Vivekananda's profound message. Swamiji highlighted that genuine commitment to righteous endeavours begins from within oneself, and he reflected on the great saint's teachings that he should elevate his mind to inspire people worldwide, leading them to recognise the oneness with God.

During the 13th Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad, Swamiji paid tribute to the statue of Sant Gyaneshwar, participated in homage on the death anniversary of Lal Bahadur Shastri, lit the lamp, and joined hands for the Bell of Democracy with other esteemed guests. The event blended tradition, respect for leaders, and a commitment to democratic ideals.

Following this stimulating event, Swamiji engaged with the intellectual and creative minds at VJTI College. The convergence of science and spirituality unfolded excitingly, marked by insightful discussions and engaging activities. Swamiji's thought-provoking speech seamlessly bridged the supposed gap between these two realms, offering a unique perspective on their interconnectedness.

The interactive Q&A session provided students with a platform to delve into the intricacies of the relationship between science and spirituality, fostering a deeper understanding of these essential aspects of life. Swamiji's responses enriched the discourse, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

A particular highlight of the event at VJTI College was the personal interaction between Swamiji and the students. This intimate engagement allowed young minds to gain profound insights and wisdom from the revered speaker, creating a memorable experience for all involved.

In a unique expression of love and admiration for Swamiji, students showcased their talents by creating a pixel painting of him using 483 Rubik's cubes. This masterpiece symbolized the harmonious fusion of intellect and creativity, reflecting the essence of the event – an exploration of the intriguing relationship between science and spirituality.

In conclusion, Swamiji Mukundananda's presence at the Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad and VJTI College inspired the youth and provided a holistic learning experience. By bridging the gap between science and spirituality, Swamiji encouraged a balanced approach to knowledge, wisdom, and artistic expression, impacting the hearts and minds of those fortunate enough to participate in these transformative events.

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