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Swami Mukundananda's Inspiring Event at Commissionerate Police Bhubaneswar

Oct 17th, 2023 | 2 Min Read
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Category: News & Updates


Language: English

Swami Mukundananda graced the Commissionerate Police Bhubaneswar-Cuttack (BBSR-CTC) on 17th October 2023 with his enlightening presence. The event commenced with a warm and grand welcome extended to Swamiji by distinguished guests, including Shri S.K. Priyadarshi, IPS (Commissioner of Police BBSR-CTC), Dr. Umashankar Dash, IPS (Additional Commissioner of Police BBSR), Shri Prateek Singh, IPS (Deputy Commissioner of Police BBSR), and Shri Pinak Mishra, IPS (Deputy Commissioner of Police BBSR).

Commissioner Shri S.K. Priyadarshi, IPS, invited Swamiji onto the stage, where he delivered a thought-provoking speech on "Leading with Compassion, Spreading Happiness while Achieving Excellence." Swamiji's discourse centred on dispelling the common misconception that leadership must fall into the extremes of being either harsh and ruthless or overly soft and ineffective.

Swamiji shared a unique perspective, emphasizing that the fusion of toughness in the mind and gentleness in the heart is not only viable but also an effective approach to leadership. Real-life examples from the experiences of police officers, corporate leaders, military personnel, and global public figures illustrated his point. Swamiji's message was clear: leadership is a demanding yet deeply fulfilling service to humanity, and it's possible to lead with compassion while achieving excellence.

The event wrapped up with an engaging question-and-answer session. Police officers had the opportunity to delve into various philosophical questions, ranging from the significance of Rigveda and the meanings of its shlokas to practical issues such as managing higher authority in job sectors and fostering compassion within the police force. Swamiji also shared valuable insights on achieving work-life balance, especially when officers unconsciously adopt police behavioural norms as part of their personalities, even in their private off-duty lives.

The event culminated with a heartfelt vote of thanks by Commissioner Shri S.K. Priyadarshi, who also presented Swamiji with a memento in appreciation of his enlightening presence.

Swami Mukundananda's visit brought together people who had crossed paths with him at various points in their lives over the last four decades of his wisdom-sharing journey in Odisha. It was a reunion of sorts and an opportunity for newcomers to absorb his profound teachings. Such events offer a refreshing and transformative opportunity for individuals from diverse backgrounds to explore their inner selves, gain insights into devotion and spirituality, and learn how to effectively balance their professional and personal lives.

Swami Mukundananda's visit to the Commissionerate Police in Bhubaneswar was a testament to the power of compassionate leadership and the profound impact of spiritual wisdom on individuals' lives. It served as a reminder that one can also embrace and spread happiness and compassion in the pursuit of excellence. Events like these are instrumental in fostering a positive and harmonious environment in various organizations and communities, and they promise a brighter, more compassionate future for all.

For more insights and wisdom from Swami Mukundananda, consider joining his upcoming events and exploring his devotion, spirituality, and self-improvement teachings.