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Renunciation, Meditation and God-realisation

Dec 13th, 2024 | 2 Min Read
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Category: Yog Sutra


Language: English

तज्जयात्प्रज्ञालोकः || 3.5 ||
tajjayātprajñālokaḥ || 3.5 ||

Translation :
Bring it (the same) the light of spiritual wisdom flashes forth.

The advantage of the combination of concentration, meditation, and Realisation is that one can reach higher realms of spiritual wisdom if one keeps trying. A spiritual person is one who renounces the pleasures of the mind and senses. But mere renunciation is not the goal, nor is it sufficient to reach the goal. 

What is true renunciation?

Renunciation means that our running in the wrong direction has stopped. We were searching for happiness in the world, and we understood that there is no happiness in material pleasures, so we stopped running toward the world. But the destination is not reached just by stopping. 

Destination of the soul

The destination of the soul is God-realization. The process of going toward God and taking the mind towards him is the path of Yoga. 
Those with incomplete knowledge of life's goal, consider renunciation the highest goal of spirituality. Those who truly understand the goal of life, regard God-realization as the ultimate goal of their spiritual endeavor. 
The concentration, meditation, and being absorbed in contemplation should be connected to God realization for fruitful results in spiritual exercise.

Spiritual wisdom 

The present sutra speaks about pragna or spiritual wisdom. The Bhagavad Gita also refers to it but in a slightly different manner.
yaḥ sarvatranabhisnchas tat tat präpya śubhāśubham nabhinandati na dvesti tasya prajña pratisthita || (2.57)
"One who remains unattached under all conditions, and is neither delighted by good fortune nor dejected by tribulation, he is a sage with perfect knowledge."

Aitareya Upanishad teaches तत्पज्ञानेत्रम् प्रजाने प्रतिष्ठितं प्रज्ञानेत्रो लोकः प्रजानं ब्रहम

(III.1.3) that all that exists, all phenomena cosmic and psychical, are rooted in Prajñā ie. Consciousness and Consciousness is Brahman, in which regard Adi Sankara in his commentary states that Brahman gets the respective names and forms as conditioned by the divergent bodies; it is the same entity that has become diversified under all the conditions and is known in every way and is thought of multifariously by all creatures as well as logicians.


Many people are confused about what to do during meditation. Actually, there is not much to do. Thinking is also a kind of action. In meditation we simply have to ask our mind not to continue with its action, that is, not to think. It is about creating an awareness within ourselves.

Therefore, let us practise concentration, meditation and  contemplation and strive to achieve Yog (union with God)

Summary: JKYog India Online Class- Patanjali Yog Sutra [English]- 12.12.2024