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The Importance of Surrender to God in Yog Practice

Aug 9th, 2024 | 1 Min Read
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Category: Yog Sutra


Language: English

समाधिसिद्धिरीश्वरप्रणिधानात् || 2.45 ||
samādhi-siddhir-īśvara-praṇidhānāt || 2.45 ||
Translation: By surrendering to God, one can attain transcendental consciousness.

The ultimate goal of Yog practice is to attain the state of samādhi. This state can be attained not only through Yog but also by surrendering to God. We have been revealing that some aphorisms of Sage Patañjali are bhakti-oriented, and the present sūtra is yet another proof of this observation. 


Surrendering to God brings all auspicious qualities to a devotee. A dedicated devotee’s personal qualities include endurance of hardships, compassion, goodwill, love for all beings, and unperturbed. Their minds are filled with sattva or purity. They delight in the service of God. Intense devotion to God, enlightened by true knowledge, and purified by detachment with a mind fixed on God are also means to the highest liberated state.

By attaining that state, the devotee becomes a realised soul. He is fully content. He will enjoy bliss. On attaining that state, the devotee does not want anything else; he does not grieve for anything; he does not hate anything; he is not elated over ordinary worldly things; he is not anxious for any worldly pleasures. 

The Shreemad Bhagavatam states, "The material prosperity through agricultural produce from lands, gold, cows, women—none of these please a man who has killed his desires and who is devoted to God."

Whatever is great belongs to God.
A devotee takes delight in the creations of God. Whatever is beautiful, whatever is great in this world, the devotee attributes it to God.

God takes care of surrendered beings.
Sarvadharman parityajya mamekam sharanam vraja
Aham tvam sarvapapebhyo moksha-yishyami ma shuuchah
(Gita 18.66)
Meaning: "Set aside all other means (to liberation) and surrender unto me alone. I will protect you from all sins and liberate you. Do not grieve."

Surrender leads to immortality.
Surrendering to God is considered one of the key paths to immortality. When does a man become immortal? The Kaṭhopaniṣad (2.3.14) says:
Yada sarve pramuchyante kama yesya hridi shritah
Atha martyo'mrito bhavatyatra brahma samashnute
Meaning: "When all desires that dwell in the heart are let go, then the mortal becomes immortal and attains Brahman here."

Therefore, let us increase our sentiment of surrender and attain Divine Grace.

Summary: JKYog India Online Class- Patanjali Yog Sutra [English]- 08.08.2024