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Bhagavad Gita The Song of God - Karm Sanyās Yog - Chapter 5.16 - 5.25

Sep 21st, 2024 | 3 Min Read
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Category: Bhagavad Gita


Language: English

The Bhagavad Gita Verse Summary 16-25

Just like the sun instantly clears away the night and reveals everything around us, divine wisdom lifts the fog of ignorance, making the Supreme Being visible. God’s knowledge sheds light on our true spiritual identity, much like sunrise clears away the illusions of darkness, helping us see things as they really are.

By focusing their intellect and heart on God with unwavering faith, devotees are freed from the cycle of life and death. Divine knowledge, paired with devotion, cleanses sins and leads to liberation through deep love for God.

Shree Krishna explains that true wisdom helps us see all beings—whether a Brahmin, cow, elephant, dog, or outcast—as equal souls, regardless of their differences. Those with this knowledge treat everyone with respect and humility, without focusing on caste or species.

Those who see all beings equally and rise above their likes, dislikes, and feelings can break the cycle of birth and death in this life. Shree Krishna teaches that by letting go of attachment to the body and worldly things, saints reflect God's qualities and achieve inner peace and a godlike presence.
Grounded in God and clear in divine knowledge, they do not feel joy in pleasure or sorrow in discomfort. 
Those who let go of attachment to external pleasures find divine bliss within themselves and experience lasting happiness through their connection with God via Yoga. Vedic scriptures describe God as an ocean of bliss, and when yogis focus on Him, they access this infinite joy that lies within.
The pleasures we get from sense objects might feel enjoyable to those caught up in the material world, but they ultimately lead to suffering because they are fleeting and leave us feeling unsatisfied. On the other hand, the bliss of God is infinite and eternal, offering a lasting fulfillment that makes worldly pleasures seem trivial to those who truly understand the difference.
True yogis control their desires and anger through the power of discrimination, using intellect and knowledge. This leads to true happiness and divine bliss, as emphasized by Shree Krishna. 
True yogis find happiness in God's presence within, guided by divine knowledge through His grace. Shree Krishna teaches that when the mind connects to God, inner bliss makes worldly temptations easy to resist.
Those who find joy within through God's delight and inner knowledge are yogis free from material existence. Shree Krishna teaches that true happiness comes from focusing on God, making it easier to resist external temptations.
Shree Krishna talks about two types of sages: those who find joy within themselves and those who purify themselves and help others out of compassion. While helping with material needs offers temporary relief, true spiritual help focuses on connecting with God, leading to liberation from material life and attracting divine grace.

So far in this chapter, Shree Krishna has praised the path of karm-yog. He now turns to the karm sanyāsīs, explaining that they also reach the ultimate goal.

Summary: JKYog India Online Class- Bhagavad Gita [Telugu]- 18 September to 20 September 2024.