When we say good or bad happened to someone, we jump to conclusions. The law of karma operates on a soul's journey through endless lives. We have experienced that many times; seemingly adverse events later became blessings in disguise. Thus, growth requires facing challenges. In exerting our mental, intellectual, and physical faculties to the utmost, we expedite our inner transformation.
Why do hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc., happen if God is all-powerful?
It may seem like a harsh critique of a higher power, but we understand that many disasters result from human actions. However, according to the Chandogya Upanishad, the divine can rectify any chaos in the world. Nonetheless, the world is crafted precisely so we never become too comfortable with our current state. Therefore, circumstances are orchestrated to foster the gradual development of our souls over a series of lifetimes. Like a caterpillar's transformation into a magnificent butterfly, we are constantly encouraged to change and improve ourselves.
When we see injustice in the world, our faith gets shaken. Is God truly just?
God's justice is through the Law of Karma. The Omniscient seated in our hearts is the perfect judge. As every organ serves in the functioning of the body, similarly, to tiny fragments of the Omnipotent, our inherent nature is to serve Him. Actions with complete surrender & in the spirit of service to God, make us recipients of His grace. Thus, our stockpile of karma from endless lifetimes gets burnt & an ordinary soul becomes an instrument of the Divine. Have faith in the supreme intelligence that created & regulates such a large universe.
Do good people also need to worship God?
People often rely on theories that make it convenient not to worship God. Pride of being good & doing good often undermines God's bountiful gifts to us, like the sunlight that powers our food, the air we breathe, the earth we walk upon, etc. All our mental & physical activities are powered by the consciousness rendered by the soul, which the Supreme Soul energizes. By cultivating gratitude for the graces we have received, we can flower all our faculties to divine heights.
How can I keep up my spirits during adversities?
Our desire to lead a linear existence with no discomfort is fanciful. The Universe is full of dualities – there is day & night, happiness & sadness, life & death, etc. Most people define a good life as material prosperity, good health, and harmonious relationships, and an unsuccessful life is the reverse. But if your goal is higher – to become the best version of yourself then all circumstances can be looked upon as a teacher. If we can uncover the embedded lessons, they can propel growth to lead a meaningful life.