"Questions You Always Wanted to Ask" offers you a straightforward path to acquire knowledge that might otherwise require sifting through endless piles of information, navigating through confusion, or learning the hard way. Seek answers from Swamiji to pave the way for a purposeful, successful, and effective life.

What is the secret of finding everlasting bliss? What is the art of experiencing joy that is immune to vicissitudes? And what is the science of achieving happiness that is not dependent on externals? In this book internationally acclaimed authority on mind management renowned saint and bestselling author Swami Mukundananda draws on the ancient wisdom of the scriptures and current scientific research to address these questions. He also explains strategies for happiness in relationships at work and in the face of adversity. By applying these concepts in your daily life you can be happy everywhere and at all times.

In this book, Swami Mukundananda brings together a hundred gems of wisdom to constantly elevate the quality of your life in five key areas—spiritual and emotional wellness, good health and well-being, harmony in relationships, professional fulfilment and financial abundance. If you can effectively manage these five dimensions of your life, all the other aspects are automatically transformed. This, in turn, will enable you to become the best you can be, today and every day, and win the game of life.

In this book, Swami Mukundananda, a world-renowned spiritual teacher from India and an internationally acclaimed mind-management authority, will teach you about watching your thoughts, directing them, dismantling harmful thought structures, creative thinking, meditation and much more.

The sacred Bhagavad Gita is much more than an epic for Hindus worldwide; in fact, it is the ultimate universal guide to a life of peace and fulfilment. This song of God not only provides a deeply philosophical understanding of the world, or Brahma Vidya, but it also describes clear-cut techniques to implement spiritual precepts in everyday life. This is why it is also called Yog Shastra, which includes methodologies—karm yog, jnana yog and bhakti yog—for the practical application of spiritual knowledge.

Just as physical phenomena are regulated by laws, there are spiritual principles governing the journey of life as well. Knowledge of them helps us understand why success comes so easily to some but remains a struggle for others; why some are still putting on their shoes, while others have finished the race. The beauty is that, like the physical laws of nature, the divine principles governing happiness and fulfilment in life are also eternally valid. In this book, Swami Mukundananda explains the 7 divine laws in an easily graspable manner. With knowledge of the Vedic scriptures and witty anecdotes that everyone can relate to, this book will empower you to become the best version of yourself.

The quality of our mind determines the quality of the life we lead. It can be our greatest ally or our worst adversary. A mind that runs amok could steal our inner peace and undermine every productive endeavour. Yet, with proper knowledge, training and discipline, it is possible to unleash the mind’s infinite potential.
In The Science of Mind Management, Swami Mukundananda charts the four different aspects of the human mind and lays down a clear path towards mastering it. Through witty anecdotes, real-life accounts and stories from the Vedic scriptures, he gently guides readers on the road to winning their inner battle.

Thoughts and feelings that persist over time harden into an attitude. If you live with an attitude long enough, it becomes second nature—a mindset. The wrong mindset could lead you off the path of contentment, joy, enlightenment. The right one will point you to the road to success, to fulfilment and towards an extraordinary life.
Blending science with Vedic scriptures, and logic with spiritual insight, Swami Mukundananda unravels the secrets of the 7 mindsets—seven techniques of training the mind and intellect and unlocking the immense potential within. An alumnus of IIT and IIM, Swamiji brings his decades-long mastery of Vedic scriptures to these powerful yet simple techniques for mind management and life transformation.
The Jagadguru Upadhi
श्रीमत्पदवाक्यप्रमाणपारावरीण, वेदमार्गप्रतिष्ठापनाचार्य, निखिलदर्शनसमन्वयाचार्य, सनातनवैदिकधर्मप्रतिष्ठापनसत्संप्रदायपरमाचार्य, भक्तियोगरसावतार, भगवदनंतश्रीविभूषित १००८ जगदगुरु श्री कृपालुजी महाराज
Shrimatpadavakya-Pramanaparavarina, Vedmargapratishthapanacharya, Nikhiladarshana-Samanvayacharya, Sanatanavaidikadharma-pratishthapanasatsampradaya-paramacharya, Bhaktiyogarasavatara, Bhagavadnant-Shri-Vibhushit 1008 Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj